By Dr. Payne & Bill Ehlig
Dr. Payne has a wealth of experience—both personal and professional—to bring to this topic. She is the leading U.S. expert on the mindsets of different social classes, and for 30 years Ehlig has been a minister in urban settings both here in the U.S. and other countries. This book is written to unpack the hidden rules of different economic classes, and to help us bridge the gaps between them, while loving our neighbors. Some of the topics include language patterns, violence and conflict resolution, family structure, money and stewardship, assessing resources . . .
Churches are often perceived as open, welcoming environments and many times that's true. But congregations, without even realizing it, sometimes make themselves inhospitable to people from poverty. For those situations, Dr. Ruby K. Payne and Rev. William Ehlig wrote what Every Church Member Should Know About Poverty. They use stories to help illustrate the way people from poverty view middle-class churches, and how to change those perceptions. They also provide solutions and tactics to teach church members and leaders some of the special considerations that can be afforded the disadvantaged.
Ideal for an online book study or conference at your church. Contact me and schedule a time for me to teach this book to you and your church members. This book provides solutions for creating a real welcome by understanding economic class. Includes new chapter for assessing resources. On the dashboard, you have everything you need to manage your blog in one place. You can create new posts, set categories and more..
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